1 征集條件
Solicitation Requirements
Chengdu Bio-town Construction Co., Ltd., the Solicitor, now solicits creative (conceptual) schemes at home and abroad for talent apartment of Chengdu Tianfu International Bio-town. All potential applicants are welcomed.
2 項目概況
Project Overview
2.1 項目名稱:成都天府國際生物城人才公寓概念創意方案。
Project name: Creative (Conceptual) Scheme of Chengdu Tianfu International Bio-town Talent Apartment Project
2.2 項目地點:成都天府國際生物城規劃園區內。
Project location: In the planning park of Chengdu Tianfu International Bio-town.
2.3 征集范圍:成都天府國際生物城人才公寓概念創意方案進行征集。
Scope of solicitation: creative (conceptual) scheme of Chengdu Tianfu International Bio-town talent apartment
3 應征人要求
Requirements for Applicants
3.1 應征人具備以下資格和業績,并在人員、設備、資金等方面具備相應的設計能力。
Any applicant shall have the following qualifications and performance, and shall have the corresponding design capacity in terms of personnel, equipment, funds and the like.
3.1.1 應征人為依法設立的設計院或設計公司或設計相關的咨詢公司或合伙企業。
Applicant shall be a legally established design institute or design company or a design-related consulting company or partnership.
3.1.2 應征人2013年以來(含2013年)至少承擔過1個類似項目業績【類似項目業績是指:總建筑面積10萬平方米及以上的類似項目方案設計業績;證明材料:中選通知書或設計合同或設計委托書】。
Any applicant shall have undertaken at least 1 similar project since 2013 (inclusive) [Similar project refers to the similar design project with a total construction area of 100,000 square meters and above; supporting documents required: Letter of Acceptance, or Design Contract or Design Brief].
3.1.3 項目主創設計師2013年以來(含2013年)以主創設計師身份承擔過至少1個類似項目業績【類似項目業績是指:總建筑面積10萬平方米及以上的類似項目方案設計業績;證明材料:中選通知書或設計合同或設計委托書或業主證明,能反映其為主創設計師材料】。
The project chief designer of any applicant shall have undertaken at least 1 similar project in the capacity of the chief designer since 2013 (inclusive) [Similar project refers to the similar design project with a total construction area of 100,000 square meters and above; supporting documents required: Letter of Acceptance, or Design Contract, or Design Brief, or any materials provided by the owner of such project to demonstrate he/she is the chief designer].
3.2 本次方案征集接受聯合體應征。
A consortium is acceptable for this solicitation.
4 方案征集文件的獲取
Acquisition of Solicitation Document
4.1 凡有意參加方案應征的單位,請于2018年1月12日至2018年1月18日(法定公休日、法定節假日除外),每日上午9:00時至12:00時,下午14:00 時至17:00時(北京時間,下同),在成都市雙流區公興街道貨運大道868號綜合保稅區物流大廈憑以下資料領取征集文件。
Any interested applicant is required to collect the solicitation documents at the Integrated Bonded Area Logistics Building, No. 868, Huoyun Road, Gongxing Street, Shuangliu District, Chengdu with the following document, at 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 a.m. and 14:00 p.m. to 17:00 p.m. (Beijing time, the same below) from Jan. 12, 2018 to Jan. 18, 2018 (except statutory public holidays and festivals & holidays).
4.2 報名需提供以下資料:
Information required for application:
4.2.1 國內(不含港、澳、臺地區)應征人需提供:營業執照、業績證明材料、主創設計師簡介、法人授權委托書及委托代理人身份證、聯系方式(包括聯系人姓名、固定電話、手機號碼、傳真號碼、電子郵件)。
Domestic applicant (exclude applicant from Hong Kong, Macao or Taiwa) shall have: business license, supporting documents for performance, brief introduction to the chief designer, letter of authorization of legal representative as well as ID card and contact information (including contact name, phone number, mobile phone number, fax number and e-mail) of the entrusted agent..
4.2.2 港、澳、臺地區應征人需提供所在地區主管部門或有關組織核發的合法注冊登記證明、業績證明材料、主創設計師簡介、授權委托書及委托代理人身份證(或其他有效身份證明文件)、聯系方式(包括聯系人姓名、固定電話、手機號碼、傳真號碼、電子郵件)。
Applicant from Hong Kong, Macao or Taiwan:Certificate of Incorporation issued by the competent department or competent authority of the region in which it is located, supporting documents for performance, brief introduction to the chief designer, letter of authorization as well as ID card (or other valid identification documents) and contact information (including contact name, phone number, mobile phone number, fax number and e-mail) of the entrusted agent shall be provided.
4.2.3 國外應征人:提供所在國主管部門或有關組織核發的合法注冊登記證明(其注冊所在國應與中華人民共和國有商務來往)、業績證明材料、主創設計師簡介、授權委托書及委托代理人身份證(或其他有效身份證明文件)、聯系方式(包括聯系人姓名、固定電話、手機號碼、傳真號碼、電子郵件)。
Overseas applicant: Certificate of Incorporation issued by the competent department or competent authority of the country in which it is located (such country shall have normal business relations with the People's Republic of China), supporting documents for performance, brief introduction to the chief designer, letter of authorization as well as ID card (or other valid identification documents) and contact information (including contact name, phone number, mobile phone number, fax number and e-mail) of the entrusted agent shall be provided.
4.2.4 若為聯合體,需提供聯合體協議書原件。
For a consortium, the original agreement of the consortium is required.
4.2.5 報名資料須裝訂成冊(除授權委托書、聯合體協議書為原件外,其余均為復印件,原件備查),若為非中文資料須提供中文翻譯件。
Application document shall be bound in book (The letter of authorization and the agreement of the consortium shall be in originals; the other documents shall be in hard copies, with the originals being for reference). In the case of non-Chinese information, the Chinese translation is required.
4.3 征集人不提供郵購方案征集文件服務。
The solicitation document shall be obtained in person and mail service is not available.
5 應征文件的遞交時間和地點
Time and Place of Submission of Application Documents
遞交應征文件截止時間2018年3月9日10:00 時(北京時間)。遞交地點為成都市雙流區公興街道貨運大道868號綜合保稅區物流大廈會議室。
The document shall be submitted before 10:00 on March 9, 2018 (Beijing time) to the Conference Room of Integrated Bonded Area Logistics Building, No. 868, Huoyun Road, Gongxing Street, Shuangliu District, Chengdu.
6 發布公告的媒介
Media for Announcement
Announcement of scheme solicitation is published in the China Purchasing and Bidding Network ((http://www.chinabidding.com.cn), Sichuan Construction Network (http://www.sccin.com.cn), and official website of Chengdu Tianfu International Bio-town Investment & Development Co., Ltd. (http://deepcompu.com).
7 聯系方式
Contact Information
Solicitor: Chengdu Bio-town Construction Co., Ltd.
Address: Integrated Bonded Area Logistics Building, No. 868, Huoyun Road, Gongxing Street, Shuangliu District, Chengdu
Contact: Ms. Wang
Phone: 028-61741073